1st Airneth Annual Conference: Optimal use of scarce airport capacity
Optimal use of scarce airport capacity
At many large airports in the world, demand of airport capacity exceeds supply. At Europe's four largest airports, the 'capacity crunch' is already visible. Frankfurt and London Heathrow face severe capacity problems, while Amsterdam Schiphol and Paris Charles de Gaulle are approaching their capacity limits. Eurocontrol expects that more than 60 European airports will be congested in 2025 and that the top-20 airports in Europe will be saturated at least 6-8 hours a day. On top of that, we can expect increasing spatial and environmental pressure on airport regions.
If shortages in airport capacity are here to stay, how can we use existing and future airport capacities most efficiently and effectively?
In cooperation with the German Aviation Research Society (GARS), Airneth will addressed this question at its first Annual Conference on 11-13 April 2007, in The Hague, The Netherlands.
Specific topic areas included, but were not limited to:
- Airport demand management (slot allocation, congestion pricing, local rules etc.)
- Multi-airport systems (experiences, management, planning, risks and uncertainties)
- Market developments (demand/supply-side) and selectivity measures in airport development.
- Airport efficiency (most valuable market segments for an airport)
- Optimal use of airports and airport regions
- Optimal use of airport capacity and air transport regulation
- Environmental restrictions and their impact on airport capacity
Key-note speakers included:
- Mr. Camiel Eurlings, Minister of Transport, the Netherlands
- Mr. Peter Hartman, President & CEO KLM Royal Dutch Airlines as of 1 April 2007
- Prof. Richard de Neufville, MIT Boston
- Prof. David Gillen, University of British Columbia
- Mr. Laurie Price, Mott MacDonald
- Mr. Enno Osinga, Senior Vice President Cargo Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
- Mr. Eric Miart, Airport Operations Programme, Eurocontrol
- Dr. Pablo Mendes de Leon, University of Leiden
- Mr. John Balfour, Clyde & CoProf. Jaap de Wit, Airneth/ University of Amsterdam
- Mr. Jan Veldhuis, Amsterdam Aviation Economics
Target audience
Policy-makers in the field of aviation, researchers, industry representatives & other professionals in the aviation sector and students in the field of aviation
Program and registration
11 April: Welcome Reception and Registration (17.00h - 19.00h)
12 April: Conference: key-note speeches, parallel sessions.
13 April: Airneth/GARS Sessions: new academic and policy insights
- Files
Presentation_Andreas_Gammel.pdf515 K
Presentation_David_Gillen.pdf87 K
Presentation_Enno_Osinga.pdf3.1 M
Presentation_Eric_Kroes.pdf300 K
Presentation_Eric_Miart.pdf3.7 M
Presentation_Jaap_de_Wit_01.pdf128 K
Presentation_Jan_Veldhuis_04.pdf80 K
Presentation_John_Balfour.pdf62 K
Presentation_Jordi_Candela.pdf4.3 M
Presentation_Laurie_Price.pdf0.9 M
Presentation_Michel_van_Wijk.pdf2.3 M
Presentation_Moshe_Givoni.pdf138 K
Presentation_Paul_Beck.pdf3.0 M
Presentation_Richard_de_Neufville.pdf71 K
Programme_Annual_Conference_2007.pdf73 K