High speed rail and aviation: from competition to cooperation? Evidence from China and Europe
On Monday 8 April Airneth and VU University organized a lunch seminar entitled 'High speed rail and aviation: from competition to cooperation? Evidence from China and Europe’, given by Airneth fellow prof. dr. Anming Zhang (University of British Columbia) and dr. Mark Lijesen (VU University). Anming Zhang kicked off the seminar by discussing the development of High Speed Rail in China, which now has by far the world’s largest HSR network, and its rationales. He elaborated on how Aviation and HSR compete, drawing experiences from China and other countries. Finally, he discussed the impact of HSR-airline cooperation on passengers and social welfare. Mark Lijesen then compared the European situation to the Chinese and reflected on the similarities and differences.
The presentations of Anming Zhang and Mark Lijesen and the complete program of this seminar can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Monday 8 April, 12:00 - 13:30 hrs
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Rijnstraat 8, 2515 XP The Hague, room A04.21/B04.10