New Forms of Transfer in Air Transport Networks


The network carrier model is one of the dominant business models in today’s air transport industry. Network carriers such as KLM and Lufthansa combine origin-destination traffic and transfer traffic on the same flight by means of hub-and-spoke systems. This allows them to generate sufficient route density to operate their route network in a profitable way. 

Although the large majority of transfer passengers still travel within the hub-and-spoke networks of the network carriers (and their partners), new forms of transfer are emerging. Certain low-cost carriers for instance offer connections through their main base or partner with network carriers through codeshare agreements. In addition, transferring between non-partnering carriers is becoming more common due to advances in online search engine technology and the introduction of airport-led transfer schemes such as ViaMilano and GatwickConnects.

Such developments may improve the number of travel options available to passengers and enhance the connectivity of Europe as a whole, but may also add competitive pressure on hub-and-spoke systems of the network carriers.

On Wednesday May 18th Airneth will host a seminar on this subject. Paolo Malighetti (University of Bergamo), David Gunnarsson (CEO Dohop), Vittorino Capobianco (Malpensa Airport / ViaMilano) and Kata Cserep (ICF International) will address the following topics:

  1. The potential of new transfer formats
  2. Airport-led transfer schemes (ViaMilano, GatwickConnects)
  3. Current state and future of self-connect
  4. The implications of new transfer formats for the Dutch aviation sector and aviation policy.

Chairman is Professor Jaap de Wit. Below you will find the program of the seminar. We kindly invite you to attend this Airneth event.

Wednesday 18 May, 13.00-17.30 hrs.

Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Plesmanweg 1-6, 2597 JG, The Hague, room F-1.38

Please register for this seminar by sending an email to info(at) stating your name, organisation and profession. Participation is free of charge.

We hope to welcome you at this Airneth event.

Category: past activities